Friday, June 11, 2010
I recently finished the book "Hinds' Feet on High Places". It is an allegory, about a girl named Much-Afraid who left the Valley of Fear that she has always known, and embarks on a journey with the Shepherd to become a new creation. Hmmm, there is much in this allegory I can relate to!
"How did you wind up adopting from Ethiopia?" someone asked me yesterday. Good question! I have never traveled abroad nor had a heart for any particular country. The love of God compels me to lay down my fears about traveling to a third world country to stay awhile. Growing up, my earthly father cautioned me against going overseas saying, "Once you're off U.S. soil our government cannot protect you." There may be some truth to that. Fortunately, we do not have to rely on governments alone. "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe." Proverbs 29: 25.
"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? NKJV
From Hinds' Feet on High Places: "Remember also that it is always safe to obey my voice, even if it seems to call you to paths which look impossible or even crazy."(93)
Yep, there are those who call us crazy! I remember five years ago when we first embarked on the great adventure of being home educators. Many people bent my ear with disapproving, worrisome comments. My wise husband said, "If you're doing it to please them it'll never happen!" Too true. This may also be true of transracial adoption.
I'm reading a book our agency recommended called In Their Own Voices-Transracial Adoptees Tell Their Stories by Rita J. Simon and Rhonda M. Roorda. Apparently there are both white and black people who are against adopting children of another race. Some even term it "genocide." We have no intention of raising our black son to think he is white. We are not pretenders. It will take many mentors and friends from his own race to help him know and embrace his identity. We do not jump on the bandwagon of "it takes a village to raise a child". Yet, our son will learn from fellow African Americans how to handle things like racism, things Gads & I do not know from the inside. There will come a time to give him freedom to explore his identity just as there will come a time to do that for our biological children. Whether a child was born in China, Russia, the U.S. or Ethiopia she/he is worthy of a loving family and home.
"Whatever we do, it is because Christ's love compels us. Since we believe that Christ died for everyone, we also believe that we have all died to the old life we used to live. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live to please themselves. Instead, they will live to please Christ, who died and was raised for them." 2 Corinthians 5: 14-15
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I've had my share of excuses in the past....
Too busy. Not enough money
Not enough time
Too young
Too old
Can't afford it
Already have children
Not sure if it's God's will
Not sure. Can't afford it
What will others say?
What will others think?
People will think we are crazy!
What if they are right?
Can't afford it.
What if it's hard on our other kids?
It's not the right time
Not sure if I would be good at it.
House is too small.
Can't afford it.
Not sure if I want to start all over again.
What would we drive?
What if it's to much work?
What if it's too hard?
Can't afford it.
Yet for every excuse God has the answer-Him.
It's all about Him - period.
"He must increase,but I must decrease."John 3:30
We limit God with our excuses.
We limit God with our fears.
We limit God by putting Him inside a box-A box we have designed on our own.
But by doing this we are actually robbing ourselves-robbing ourselves of the blessings.
Robbing ourselves of true joy! Robbing ourselves of truly living.
Because you see when we take 'us' out of the picture - Our worries,Our fears,Our excuses,
And we put God in the center of our lives
The possibilities are endless.
He has the way...He IS the way...
And all you have to do is stop making excuses and take that first step.
Stop listening to the world.
Stop being afraid of the what ifs-
And listen to the One who knows.
The one who has the answers. The one who really matters.
The truth iswe don't have to be perfect because He is.
We don't have to have all of the answers because He already does.
We don't have to know how because He will show us.
Each day you waitis a day that they wait too...
The cost of your excuse is a lot higher than the cost of an adoption
because look at what it's costing them.
Stop making excuses.
They are waiting.
And so is He...
To show you the way.
I found this poem on my friend Robin's blog and she found it on
I wanted to post this as a reminder that we all are SO human. Many of us start out in a similar place with fears and small thinking. Yep, I've put in some time going round this particular mountain of excuses! Our adoption has nothing to do with me or Gads or anything inside of us. It is all God's Spirit at work. Whew! What a relief, we don't have to see the whole picture but just have to take the first step.
“We are confident of all this because of our great trust in God through Christ. It is not that we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves. Our only power and success come from God. He is the one who has enabled us to represent his new covenant. This is a covenant, not of written laws, but of the Spirit. The old way ends in death; in the new way, the Holy Spirit gives life.” 2 Corinthians 3:4-6
I Have Put Before You An Open Door . . . .
Last year, a stranger spoke this verse to Gads & I at the altar of our church. We were not entirely sure what she was talking about at the time! :)
We have been prayerfully considering whether to adopt a child for the last 8 years. There have been starts, stops, assurances, doubts, confidence and fears to be overcome. At times we had no unity in our family about this important decision. So, we laid it down saying, "God if this is YOU -- If this is Your will for our family then please put us in perfect unity. Not long after that our little boy Marius started praying every night for a little brother. Then Gads got inspired.
Our dear friends David & Cheryl Coleman babysat our children for ten+ nights so Gads & I could take the classes to become foster parents. We were halfway through the home study when we stopped in our tracks. We simply had NO peace about walking through the door to adopt a child through the domestic foster care system. I actually beat myself up about it a bit, thinking this is something we could and therefore should be doing! "Let peace be your umpire deciding all things with finality," it says in Colossians. As we seek God's direction and plan for our lives we are well advised to follow peace. Having no peace is a warning sign -- not to proceed.
We waited and realized that He actually had a different door for us to walk through. One that would require a different kind of faith, faith that God will provide financially to bring a child into our family from overseas. Would that it were as simple as scooping the person up like the Good Samaritan did in the Bible story! He has assured us that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, it all belongs to Him. Although we cannot see how it will happen, He is going to provide for this child as He always has for Chloe and Marius.
We were approved on Friday, May 28th to work with All God's Children International to adopt a little boy between the age of newborn to 18 months old. Although the paperwork process and large bills heading our way seem overwhelming. We have peace about walking through this door, one step at a time, following wherever God leads. Please pray for us to be faithful and diligent to do our part in the massive paper chase this summer. Pray for us to have discernment about the country and whether we are to seek one or two children. God's love is reaching across the ocean and these are EXCITING times. . . .